その「歩いて行ける距離」とは「2時間以内」ということ なのでしょうか。苦笑
When you were primary school student, how long did it take from your house to school?
(みんなで毎日、助け合って川を越える。雨季には小舟で 渡る。)
I met many children who were going to school like this pic.
Crossing the river, going over a mountain, walking walking walking...!
(They said they cross this river by small boat in rainy season.)
あるとしても多くの場合、小学校(1年生~5年生)しか ありません。
But there are not many schools after class 5 in the village in the hill tracts.
(ちぇれ めいえprojectが応援している子どもたちが寝泊ま りしながら学ぶ)の生徒数が、
6年生から一気にどっと増 えるのは、
こういった山岳地帯の子どもたちが家から通え る中学校がないために、
家を離れ寄宿し学び始めるからで す。
This is the reason why a lot of class 6 students come to get admission every year
to Moanoghar residential school which I am doing volunteer work now.
If they want to continue study,
they need to leave their home and start to stay residential school.
公立、NGO、ユニセフ、半官半民、コミュニティースク ール・・・
I saw many kinds of primary school.
Government, NGO, UNICEF, semi‐governmental, community school...e.t.c
What athletic children!!
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