12 matters which Japan is facing right now. How do you place them in order??
震災復興 / 景気と財政赤字・借金 / TPP / 少子高齢化・老老介護 / 子育て / 教育 / エネルギー・原発 / 国際競争力低下・イノベーション不足 / 外交・防衛 / 高い自殺率 / 女性の社会進出 / 2020年東京オリンピック

Quick recovery from earthquake damage / Budget deficit, National debt and depression / TPP / Aging population with fewer children, elder-to-elder care / Child raising / Education / Energy and nuclear power plant / Lack of international competitiveness and innovation / Diplomacy and defense capacity / High rate of suicide / Social progress of women / Tokyo Olympic in 2020
(トビタテ!留学JAPAN https://tobitate.jasso.go.jp/ の事前研修のワークショップ)
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